What we do?

HumanHairFactories.com helps buyers find the best suppliers.

We believe finding reliable and quality hair factories should not be difficult.
We are the number one leading b-2-b platform for the top 100 hair factories in the world. Discover new and exclusive human hair factories, wig factories and extension brands. All factories are screened and will be checked according our policy.

Our mission is simplifying the supply chain from manufacturers to you! We additionaly offer screened suppliers you can't find online but are top ranked.

HumanHairFactories.com is a very easy way to find hair factories on a global scale. For a many hair businesses or salon owners it can be challenging to find the right human hair supplier. Ordering samples and getting dissapointments are an expensive lesson. Searching fror FREE on HumanHairFactories.com will help you find reliable and good suppliers so you can grow your business and get happy customers.


Source products form qualified suppliers and manufacturers. Find product information and compare offers in a few clicks. Meet your custom buy requirements and make trading easy.

Compare suppliers

Compare products from top verified suppliers - save time, effort and money

Premium Matchmaking Service

Submit your sourcing requirements & let us find the right suppliers find you. Expand sourcing channels and reduce cost.

Better prices

Send quote requests to multiple suppliers and compare their offers.

Secured supply chain

Become more independent from your existing partners by easily finding new trusted suppliers you can't find on regular search engines or platforms.

Why use our platform?

We have 20 years of experience in the field and have build up a large global network in the hair industry. There is no other platform in the world that offers what we do. Our experience and network allows you to find new human hair suppliers you wouldn't easily find.

Our teams are working from Europe and Asia and has a great variety of backgrounds and experience. All are experts in their field and have a passion to help buyers have a great experience with our platform.

It's easy and FREE

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